5 Things to Remember Before Migrating an Ecommerce Website to a New Platform

SEO, Technical SEO
5 Things To Remember Before Migrating An Ecommerce Website To A New Platform

Migrating your e-commerce website to a new platform is a big step that can lead to tremendous growth and improved customer experience. However, without careful planning, it can also wreak havoc on your search engine visibility and organic traffic.

As a technical SEO expert, here’s your roadmap to ensure a smooth transition that preserves your hard-earned rankings.

1. Comprehensive Pre-Migration Audit

A thorough audit is your foundation. This involves:

  • Crawling and Indexing: Identify all existing pages, their status codes, and how search engines currently access them.
  • Site Architecture: Assess your site’s structure, internal linking, and how it guides both users and search engines.
  • URL Structure: Document your current URLs, especially those with high organic traffic and backlinks.
  • Redirects: Map out existing redirects (301, 302) to understand how they need to be updated.
  • Page Speed: Analyse your site’s current performance and identify areas for improvement on the new platform.
  • Structured Data: Review existing schema markup (product, offer, etc.) to ensure it’s carried over correctly.

2. Meticulous URL Mapping and Redirects

  • Preserve Existing URLs: Keep URLs the same whenever possible to avoid breaking backlinks and user bookmarks.
  • 301 Redirects: Implement 301 redirects for any changed URLs. This tells search engines that the page has permanently moved.
  • Redirect Chains: Avoid multiple redirects (URL1 > URL2 > URL3). Update old redirects to point directly to the final destination.
  • 404 Errors: Track 404 errors (page not found) after the migration and redirect them appropriately.

3. Content Migration and Optimisation

  • Content Inventory: Catalog all product descriptions, category pages, blog posts, and other content.
  • Keyword Mapping: Align keywords with new URLs and optimise content for relevant search terms.
  • Duplicate Content: Avoid duplicating content across multiple pages on the new site.
  • Metadata: Update title tags and meta descriptions to reflect the new site structure and content accurately.

4. Technical SEO Implementation

  • Robots.txt: Ensure your robots.txt file is updated to allow search engines to crawl the new site.
  • XML Sitemap: Create and submit an updated XML sitemap to guide search engines through your new structure.
  • Canonical Tags: Use canonical tags to indicate the preferred version of a page (especially important for e-commerce sites with product variations).
  • Hreflang: For multilingual sites, verify that hreflang tags are correctly implemented to target the right languages and regions.

5. Monitoring and Post-Migration Checks

  • Crawl Errors: Use tools like Google Search Console to monitor for crawl errors and address them promptly.
  • Traffic and Rankings: Track your organic traffic and rankings to identify any drops and take corrective action.
  • Page Speed: Regularly monitor page speed using tools like Lighthouse or PageSpeed Insights.
  • Structured Data: Test your structured data with tools like the Schema Markup Validator to ensure it’s working correctly.

Migrating an e-commerce website is challenging but necessary for businesses seeking to thrive online. By prioritising a comprehensive pre-migration audit, meticulous URL mapping, content optimisation, and rigorous technical SEO implementation, you can protect your SEO investment and ensure a successful transition to your new platform.

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